Summoned for Jury Duty? 12 Angry Men – Review on the Role of Juries

Have you ever been worried that you may be called up for jury duty? If you are curious about it, you might start by watching 12 Angry Men. Despite being released over 65 years ago, the film ‘12 Angry Men’ (1957) remains a classic that retains its fame as a work transcending time or place, […]

Case Study – Stalk/Intimidate, Common Assault and Drive to Menace Another Person – A non-conviction despite criminal history record

Ellyse Kwan, Criminal Defence Lawyer from KPT Defence Lawyers, recently represented a client who was charged with three criminal offences; common assault (domestic violence related), stalk or intimidate intending to cause fear of physical or mental harm (domestic violence offence) and drive motor vehicle menaces another person with intent – first offence. The client was […]

THIS is the reason corporate criminals don’t do time

A company is something of a legal Frankenstein. The legal person is created out of thin air and made of paper. It can, like the monster, create trouble for its creator.  ATTRIBUTION OF LIABILITY Attributing criminal liability to corporations is predicated on the lie that companies can have a state of mind. Early common law […]

One year older, SO much harsher

We ask the likely unpopular & therefore important question arising from this: what would happen to him if had been merely 16 or 17, and not 18 at the time? Jeremy So, 18, was a student at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music when he approached the complainant, then 13, who was a student at the […]

Across the threshold – trespass to land explained

Some crimes are very old. Trespass to property is both a criminal offence and a civil cause of action. It is covered in State criminal law in the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901. As we discovered last week at Newtown Local Court, as old and well-known as the law in this area is, law-abiding people, […]

What Are The Consequences of Drug Possession

Even though most of us may never be caught with illicit drugs in our lives, it is still good to know the consequences and repercussions. The most common penalty for drug possession is a fine averaging around $300 and another common repercussion is a good behaviour bond. However, that is not to say that charges […]

Legal Analysis of Will Smith’s slap at the Oscars

The famous slap by Will Smith has been a hot topic of discussion, which exploded over social media and the news worldwide. There has been great discourse on whether the slap was staged or justified, or had the comedian overstepped his boundaries. For anyone living under a rock, the Oscars ceremony was held on 28 […]

Case Study – Using a Vehicle with Intent to Assault a Police Officer

Jordan Gear, criminal defence lawyer from Longton Legal recently represented a client who was charged with a number of offences, including an offence of using an offensive weapon with intent to commit an assault, and failing to stop and assist after a vehicular impact causing injury. The client was a 27-year-old woman who had a […]

The Tinder Swindler – A Lawyer’s Analysis

The Netflix documentary, ‘Tinder Swindler’ has recently taken the world by storm. It recounts the story of a serial conman, Simon Leviev, an Israeli-born 31-year old who met numerous women all over Europe via the dating application, Tinder, and allegedly ‘swindled’ them out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Legally, what would have happened if […]

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