Alibaba Employee Involved In Sexual Harassment Incident

Alibaba, a multi billion-dollar technology company, has recently come under fire after an employee spoke out about her molestation on a work conference. On August 7th 2012, an 11-page self-report of an Alibaba female employee went viral on social media depicting her traumatic experience. The employee was on a business trip in Jinan City, Shandong […]

Kidnapping Offences – Know The Law

Last year, more than 500 people were kidnapped across the nation. New South Wales has since been categorised as the “kidnapping capital” with almost 50% of kidnappings occurring in NSW, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Kidnapping is a serious crime, prosecuted under section 86 of the Crimes Act 1900 […]

Firearm Prohibition Orders – What You Need To Know

Firearm Prohibition Orders (FPO) are one of the options available to the NSW Police Force to provide additional powers over individuals who are a potential threat to society. There has been a dramatic increase recently in the NSW Police Force issuing such orders, often to individuals who the general public would not think should be […]

‘Drinking (Water) and Driving’ – The Relevant Road Rules in NSW

There has been controversy over the fact that a Queensland driver was issued with a $173 fine and 1 demerit point by police for drinking water at the wheel on a 39-degree day. This was on the basis that the driver had breached a Queensland road rule prohibiting drivers from driving ‘without due care and […]

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